Thursday, May 26, 2011

Oh, the excitement!

When I say it, it is going to sound so matter of fact. 50 pounds. That's right, fifty. Fif-tee.
Was it easy? No! Was it hard? Sometimes! Am I happy? YES!
The last few pounds took so. very. long. to come off. I am stubborn. I may have waited 40 plus years to find will power, but now that I found it, I won't let it waste away.
Lots of fruit. Lots of veggies. More fruit. Animal Crackers. I couldn't have done it without animal crackers. And No Pudge brownies. And yes, Pop Chips oh love of my life. And did I say animal crackers?
And as if the fates just KNEW that today would be the weigh in day where that magic number would total or exceed 50, some very neat-o things I've ordered came in. Forever21 dresses. I heart dresses. And my The Pleated Poppy purse. My first. She's a brilliant one, that Lindsey, and I squealed when I saw it in real life.
Oh, the excitement!

Hi there!

One of my favorite, and fairly new, pasttimes is checking my favorite blogs at night. There are some women out there who are so inspiring, so strong, so talented! Usually it's almost midnight when I'm donig this, and I don't have any one else awake in my house (not even Lilly, she's asleep on the couch waiting for me to go up to bed so she can go up to bed) to tell it to! To share my "oh this is so Amaaaazzzziinnngggg!" with!
Then I got to thinking, I have stuff to say, stuff to show. I'm putting it out there. Here I am!